Live projects
I can share just some text summary for my recent projects because of NDAs. But there are some projects that are open and can be easily evaluated.
Being tired by constant switching to Mac Calendar or Google Calendar just to check when the next event starts, I decided to make a new app that would show a schedule right in a Dock icon. Result is available on App Store. I did design and managed development. | Open ↗ |
Product design for the market-leading intelligence platform for paid search advertising. AI technology and machine learning models give our customers a clear view of market shifts and all the moves their rivals make across the search landscape. Converted Sketch library to Figma and helped to remove it from the workflow along with Invision and Zeplin. Working with great people with experiences in Adobe, UserTesting, and other famous companies. | NDA |
Product design for Agistix ↗, a logistics company. Built a design library from scratch in Figma and did the gradual redesign of the whole web application. Changing menu structure, pages layout, font, and color to comply with accessibility rules, adding hover/pressed/focused effects to interactive elements. Doing competitor analysis and organizing user story mapping sessions. Made a complete redesign of mobile web application with a great focus on usability. We know our target users will frequently use app with a single hand, so I wanted to minimize any finger movements to perform the main actions. Moved navigation and page actions to the bottom of the screen. Working on improving data tables for the app: filter optimizations (filter tags, grouping elements), data alignment for the ease of comparison of numeric values, setting, expanding item details, batch actions etc. |
Product design for Digitalroute ↗, ETL (extract, transform, load) data platform. Working on adding new and improving existing functionality for features like new data providers, flow editor, version control etc. Helping to build Figma design system. My goal here is to be close to Design Thinking methodology, so we can understand the problem, ideate on possible solutions, build a prototype, test it and transer to developers. So when it goes to development we are sure that we will probably deliver a meaningful solution. | NDA |
Treenga, issue management system. Goal: provide a way to easily categorize and filter hundreds of issues. Also, to provide a full-page interface for issue composition and viewing. Detailed reasoning ↗. I did UX, UI and product management. | OPEN ↗ |
SVG Center, icon collection service. Made
by myself with Bubble ↗. Goal:
assess Bubble platform capabilities for
full-function prototyping, so it can be used
when Axure is not enough and
production-ready implementation is too
costly. I did UX and UI. |
OPEN ↗ |
Miracle Canvas, multi-panel canvas
creation, and printing service. Goal: allow
to create split canvas prints of any size
and shape. I did UX and product management. |
OPEN ↗ |
Holst, classic paintings printing service.
Goal: allow to search among thousands of
famous classical paintings and then print
selected with required frame and size. Customer journey
map ↗. I did UX and product
management. |
OPEN ↗ |
Here are different interactive prototypes and
simple wireframes I did to perform my UX-related
work. Most of these are related to Promomash ↗
project and live, but can't be easily viewed
online without paid subscription. Surely, there
are lots of other UX deliverables I worked on, but
I show here what I am allowed to show.
If you want to see interactive elements, click (1) and then (2) on the top right of a prototype:
The most complex prototype with lots of
functionality. Select customer and click
"Create promotion draft" to create a new
trade promotion. Goal of this page is to allow new trade promotion creation and to set lots of different options it requires. For example, there may be hundreds of promotions that run at the same time, so we needed to help user to easily understand what type of promotion activities may be helpful at what time and at what retailer. |
OPEN ↗ |
New single demo event. Aim of redesign was to provide a simple way to select date, time, recently used campaigns and teams. Also simplify selection of people and locations right on map. I suggested new controls to reach this goal: 1. Selectors, which allow selecting the required items much faster without dropdowns. Their usage frequency is recalculated once a day, so tomorrow user sees the most frequent promotion she uses today. It is recalculated once a day and not instantly to eliminate user's confusion if promotion is placed on new place for every new event creation. Same for teams and other lists. 2. Instead of a calendar dropdown we show always an open calendar. Most of the time user needs to schedule in 2 weeks time frame, that's why when we show current and next month, user will need to navigate to something different very rarely, so she just needs to click the required date and that's all. 3. Depending on selected promotion, map adjusts location to previously used one, so it is much easier to plan relative events, user doesn't need to search for location close to what she just scheduled. So the system treats user as a friend and remembers what she did before and doesn't ask user to do all the work from scratch. |
OPEN ↗ |
New custom event. The most sophisticated type of event with many people, places, timelines, etc. Timelines ↗ supposed to be dragged after implementation, so time setting and modification is an easy process on the target device (desktops). | OPEN ↗ |
Custom event details to briefly show the main information defined in the previous prototype. | OPEN ↗ |
New merchandising route. Similar to single event creation, but supposes multiple people going to multiple locations. | OPEN ↗ |
Brand ambassadors regularly act as
independent contractors, so they must have
an ability to create a merchandising route
by themselves, and typically they do it by
using mobile phones. Here is a view for this
purpose. |
OPEN ↗ |
Today's merchandising route view for brand ambassador, mobile. Every brand ambassador can work for multiple companies, so they need a way to plan their daily routes depending on time and place. | OPEN ↗ |
Event activity details for brand ambassador, mobile. | OPEN ↗ |
Event confirmation, mobile. | OPEN ↗ |
Sample of permissions table. | OPEN ↗ |
Setting permissions on the fly. | OPEN ↗ |
Report creation: select required columns, rename, set default values. | OPEN ↗ |
Retailers and their calendars of activities. | OPEN ↗ |
Table validation sample. | OPEN ↗ |
Company settings. | OPEN ↗ |
Settings, rules, groups. | OPEN ↗ |
Charts: company overview. | OPEN ↗ |
Charts: chains overview. | OPEN ↗ |
Charts: rep overview. | OPEN ↗ |
Adding invoice (mimic file uploading). | OPEN ↗ |
Budgeting interface | OPEN ↗ |
Main navigation menu concepts. We tried lots of different approaches, this prototype shows just part of them. Ultimately we chose mega menu to fit all available options, but it definitely have a room to enhance further. I wrote a related article about mega menus ↗. | OPEN ↗ |
Person analytics page. | OPEN ↗ |
Check-in / check-out, mobile. | OPEN ↗ |
By creating and tracking more than 2000 tasks on Github I periodically struggled with its low effectiveness in some cases. I asked myself “how would I make it” and decided to create a new side project Treenga, here is a prototype for its initial concept. Read detailed story ↗ | OPEN ↗. |
Time breaks rules concept. | OPEN ↗ |
Sample of notification settings page. | OPEN ↗ |
Web chat concept (inspired by Atlassian Stride, 2018). | OPEN ↗ |
Web mail client (inspired by hiri.com, 2017, multiple pages). | OPEN ↗ |
Based on e-commerce projects I managed it was clear that reentering orders information from email to CRM systems is far from efficient, so I started working on service that had to provide automatic “email to spreadsheet” processing. Here is a prototype for this service (2013, many pages). | OPEN ↗ |
Sample project
This is just to show different UX deliverables. Goal: create an app that allows people to make a clinic appointment without spending time learning medical stuff.
Empathy map. | OPEN ↗ |
Customer journey map. | OPEN ↗ |
User flow diagram. Real application would definitely require much more pages to better represent clinic's services. | OPEN ↗ |
Prototype. | OPEN ↗ |